Department of Geography
Geography is an integrative spatial science that investigates various phenomena in our living space. Geographers are interested in understanding the ways in which economies, politics, cultures, and societies are organized and carved in space and how the human activities and physical environment are influenced each other. The quest for the understanding of space has persisted in the long history of human being, and modern geography has developed diverse research methods to analyze spatial phenomena. In addition, recent development in Geographical Information Science (GIS) allows geographers to focus on the acquisition, management and display of spatial information with the help of information technology. The uniqueness of geography lies in its integrative perspective that incorporates natural and social science as well as information science, which empowered geographers to play a crucial role in studying the spatial organization of economies and society, environmental changes and developing strategies for improving human life.
Geography at Kyung Hee University
The Department of Geography, Kyung Hee University has been an intellectually vibrant, research-intensive academic department at the center of Korean Geography since its inception in 1958. The Department has made significant contributions to the geographical society in Korea by educating a huge number of undergraduates, awarding many masters and doctorates. In addition, KHU Geography has led academic society by its pioneering and monumental research and the leadership and public involvement of faculty members. It is an honorable legacy of KHU Geography to represent the development of Korean geography.
Research Trend and Graduate Careers
The demand for geographic knowledge is growing in both public and business areas. Recent changes in world economy, natural environment, social circumstances, such as globalization, climate change, and the emergence of multi-culturalism needs geographical perspectives and methodologies as a spatial science. The department train our students prepared to cope with rapidly changing world with profound knowledge, useful skills and great insights focusing on several specializations in geography. Recently, "the Professional Education Program of Space-Time Big Data" was selected for the CK-II project (University Specialization Project) by the Ministry of Education. As the initiation of the program, the KHU geography is building a new paradigm of geography in the era of big-data with the full financial support by the government.
Specialized track of "Space-Time Big Data"
As the amount of data to be stored and processed increases sharply, Big Data has become a buzz word. The need for the data scientists in the field of Big Data surpasses the supply in both academic and business area. Moreover, the integration of spatial data and Big Data provides huge opportunities and challenges to geographers. To keep up with this trend, geography department initiated the Professional Education Program of Space-Time Big Data. The purpose of the new program is to educate students with geographical knowledge and perspectives along with strong technical background in Big Data science. In addition, the department is operating a special mentoring system and supporting for students to acquire Big Data Analysis Certificate, to participate various contests as well as providing lectures by guest speakers in Big Data business. During the breaks, internship opportunities are open in governmental research institutes and Big Data industries.