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Philosophy, Educational Purpose, Learning Objectives Linkages
Kyung Hee University philosophy embodies the ideology of promoting public welfare through the creation of a cultural society.
Since cultural world means a segment of moral culture and the highest degree of scientific civilization harmonized through human society, the creation of cultural society is a pursuit of an ideal humanity reconstruction.

To realize the ideology of “cultural world creation” an academic study related theoretical and application method of education, research must be done, a flagship of a well-rounded education with noble democratic dignity cultivation, the inclusion of talented individuals can contribute to the construction of social and cultural welfare, Kyung Hee University decides to practice its philosophy of “Professional Academic Education, Research,” “Democratic Degree of Dignity,” “Raising competent individuals for the construction of social and cultural welfare.”

To achieve the University's Education Purpose, the definite education aims are set at “Well-tounded Education,” “Emotion Education,” “Science Education,” “Democratic Education,” intellectual, moral and physical harmonization is developed, a high democratic degree of dignity is ordered, advanced learning is pursued, reasonable scientific thinking method is enacted rather in finality, a productive cultural world creation contributed by individuals training has to be achieved.

서울캠퍼스 02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 국제캠퍼스 17104 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732 광릉캠퍼스 12001 경기도 남양주시 진접읍 광릉수목원로 195 COPYRIGHT © KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.